Wednesday 27 October 2010

Manifestation Of Your Promise

Dear God,

Today has been wonderfully touching.  I have prayed and written to you yesterday that our cupboard was bare except for a can of tuna and a pack of instant noodles.  I am astounded by the way you remedied our situation, how you touched people in order to help us.  Oh Lord, you are truly wondrous!

My husband and I decided to take a walk and see if we can volunteer on the charity that the church is running for the less fortunate.  Because we were too ashamed to admit that we were one ourselves, we thought we would keep our dilemma to ourselves and just wait for you to work your wonders.  We have great faith that you will not fail us.  So despite the changing weather (rain and shine) and the distance we had to walk, we decided we will see if we can volunteer.  Yes we had to walk because we didn’t have a cent to get on the bus.  How wonderful was it when the charity coordinator told us when we got there that some of the food in the stock room needs to be consumed soon because the expiry date in the cans are fast approaching and the charity is not legally allowed to distribute the same, she asked us if we would like to take some and maybe give some to our friends?  How wonderful are you, my God?  You didn't even make us suffer telling our story, something that we were so scared of telling.  You were sensitive as to understand how we feel.  The lady even told us if we cannot carry all of the available food we can come back and collect the rest tomorrow! 

Now we have food in our cupboard (rice, noodles, soups, pasta sauce, coffee and so much more!) and do not have to worry about it for a few days at least.  I know you have something in store for us when this food runs out and the bills get in and but we will remain steadfast in our faith in you.

I know, this isn't the solution to the big problem we have of losing our houses soon but we have, time and time again, seen how you provide for us and we are grateful!

Today, a friend has decided to move out of her house and leave her abusive husband.  I find myself recommending the flat below us and because they didn't have any money either, having run away from home with nothing, we had to share the food we received today with them and it became a lot more meaningful to share what you gave us to people who are also like us and we marvel on your goodness.  You provided for us and also encouraged us that we are not the only ones going through trials.  That no matter how hard it gets, there will always be you to help us, as you have promised.

I would like to ask you to keep an eye on my friend too Lord.  She is young and scared that her husband will take their daughter away, that they won't able to sustain living on their own.  Keep them safe at all times Lord, pls?

I end this letter by saying thank you very much for your provision today and fervently prays for your help on our bigger problems.

With all my love,



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